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Why should people join the Sheltie Forums?

Discussion in 'Sheltie Chat' started by Kelly, Jan 12, 2011.

  1. sheltieluvr6

    sheltieluvr6 Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 31, 2011
    This is a very good question! The first time I checked out the Sheltie Forums, I was completely ecstatic. I had found a place for Sheltie lovers like myself. The community here is one of the best I've seen on a dog forum. And lets just face it, we ALL love seeing pictures of our furry "kids" :winkgrin: I'm going to list a few reasons that stick out to me. Keep in mind newcomers that there are tons I'm missing!

    1) Everyone is welcoming! If you want to try to prove me wrong, post an introduction in the "Say Hello" forum. I guarantee that everyone will be enthusiastic to meet you.

    2) Super helpful! I've had so many questions (both big and small) that pertain to breeders, shelties, costs, foods, you name it.

    3) Only requirement: Love Shelties. I don't even have a Sheltie and yet I feel like a part of the community.

    Like I said before, those aren't all the reasons, just a few. This is a very loving community. Another plus, you get to see cute pictures of Shelties! :yes:
  2. lemerechein

    lemerechein Forums Novice

    Jun 16, 2012
    Knoxville, Tn
    Why join?

    Besides..it is just the perfect place to be if you love shelties!! :razz:
  3. Internette

    Internette Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 13, 2012
    I was looking at sheltie information and going from one click to the next, then I was on facebook and then a blog and then a click and here. I love the facebook, blog and here because I cant think of a better way to smile and feel great then looking at these sheltie pics. I went through every pic on the blog from sheltie smiles to snow and all the other ones and I knew I was in love before but it just keeps growing stonger and stronger. I also like to do my homework and understand all the facets. I was unaware of the flea treatment problems, seizures, the ear issues and so on. I like to be well informed when I make a my choice, though I over do it sometimes.
    I just love the amount of info not from one person writing a story but from actual owners and how and why and all the inside information cant be beat.
  4. Lynnel

    Lynnel Forums Enthusiast

    Nov 21, 2011
    Oceanport, NJ
    For me it's all about the people, there warmth, knowledge and support. No one knows your Sheltie like this forum. They understand and share whatever they can. This forum is priceless like its members :)
  5. Albinodragon

    Albinodragon Forums Novice

    Jan 14, 2013
    Its a website of Sheltie Owners, By Sheltie Owners, For Sheltie Owners! Now to the mighty sheltie herd on this site....go git those internet cats! Sickem!
  6. Dexter'sMom

    Dexter'sMom Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 29, 2011
    Ottawa Ont Canada
    It was my great fortune to have found Sheltie Nation. We had just gone through the year from hell. My husband and I had both lost our Mom's 6 months apart. Then we lost Dexter at age 14, my heart dog, one month after my mom.
    Heart broken,lonely,devestated.
    Within days.. Thanks to my husband...He was able to track down a breeder not too far from us...( we had a lead from another interesting circumstance )..She didn't have any puppies but she had two girls one 3 and 1 almost a year old...we went to see them....and we chose each other. Jan 2nd we brought Treesa home. All this happened in slightly 1 month. I went searching again...about Shelties....and saw a post that said "any Sheltie cousins out there?" I read it and Treesa's pedigree matched....all I needed was a birth date. That's when I first contacted Barb. The rest was the open door to a wonderful community of like minded souls...we laugh,we cry,we share the stuff that is uniquely Sheltie. We celebrate sucesses,share our fears,failures and dreams. Treesa has one of her littermates...her brudder Indy, her Dreamy eyed Bacca and Auntie Barb. I have the joy of sharing with her in this..and through the magic of Internet a worldwide melting pot of stories,advice, knowledge and friendship.
    This is what I have gained in my life... And I am very thankful for it
  7. lasheltie

    lasheltie Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 27, 2012
    This is the 1 place where nothing you post is probably unheard of & someone has probably already seen it, heard of it or done it so when you need help you'll find it. It has been full of helpful advice & funny stories. I even got 2 shelties by being here. They needed a home & thanks to wonderful sheltie people it worked out. It is a blessing to have a place where people "get" what you mean when you ramble on about sheltie stuff.
  8. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    Why Join Sheltie Nation?

    Because all Sheltie lovers respond instinctively to being herded into a group! :lol:
  9. Toffee's Mom

    Toffee's Mom Forums Sage

    Aug 31, 2009
    Nova Scotia, Canada
    LOLLLL, best reason ever!! :yuckyuck

    We are used to be in a circle, surrounded by barking Shelties ;)
  10. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    I'll ditto that! I joined the forum after having just lost my daughter and my 12 year old, Timber. And having just brought home Bacca. It was "Annus Horriblius" in my house for the longest time. Sheltie Forums actually helped me get this through this period. So many laughs and tears we shared.

    The forum has grown so big now! It's not as intimate as it was before, but I know that many of us have forged fur-ever friends with like-minded folk. So it was great joy to find Treesa here and so close to home! I never knew much about Indy except that he was transplanted to the US and back here again. Treesa and Shelley helped to fill that gap in his life!

    Sometimes we disagree, and sometime we disagree not so nicely, but I think we recognize its because of the passion we feel for this breed and believing in what we think best.

    Love this place! I'm still addicted!

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