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Problem with "Fasb's Owner" account (unable to post)

Discussion in 'Help Forum' started by Susan D, Nov 14, 2015.

  1. Susan D

    Susan D Forums Regular

    Nov 14, 2015
    West Virginia
    My husband is currently unable to post. His account - "Fasb's Owner" - seems to have been deactivated. He's able to log in, but not post or send private messages, etc.

    Apparently, this all started after he changed the gmail address linked to his account and didn't respond to an email asking him to verify the change. This happened some time ago, so it seems to be too late to respond to the email now. He tried to have the board resend the verification email, but was told that the email address isn't valid.

    When he tries to post, he is directed to a "you do not have permission to...." message. Same with most other board activities.

    Could someone look into this and let us know how to reactivate his account?

    Thank you.
  2. Kelly

    Kelly Administrator

    Feb 21, 2008
    Hi Susan,

    He needs to check his spam folder in his email for the confirmation message that would have been sent the day he registered. Without confirming, usage of the forums will be limited.

    His username and account is still active. Send a PM to me if you still need help after he completes the registration.
  3. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    Hi Susan...I'm sorry you're having problems posting to the Forum. I suspect the problem lies in the email change and not verifying the new address, but this is not my area of expertise. I'm sure Kelly, who admins the site, will take a look and let you know as soon as she can. Thanks for your patience!
  4. Fasb's Owner

    Fasb's Owner Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 21, 2013
    Morgantown, WV
    Hmm. Confirmation email just worked, so I'm able to post again. I didn't notice the confirmation email right away but after I did, I tried several several times to confirm the email change and kept getting some error or other.

    Anyway, things seem to be fine now. Thanks.

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