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Coldest You'll Walk Your Dogs/Let Them Out?

Discussion in 'Sheltie Chat' started by Fasb's Owner, Jan 4, 2014.


    EJHUNTL Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 11, 2013
    Ontario, Grand Bend
    We don't have poisonous snakes ( water moccasins) or tarantulas, scorpions, fire ants or other nasty bugs in Canada ( except for mosquitoes) - I'll take my cold winters.:biggrin2:
  2. Jess041

    Jess041 Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 2, 2012
    Houston, Texas
    Don't forget about gators :biggrin2:.

    EJHUNTL Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 11, 2013
    Ontario, Grand Bend
    I'd rather forget about those nasty things - our yard in Dallas was completely fenced in but I always had a look before jumping into the pool :lol:

    I bet if we took a poll our shelties would vote for snow too!
  4. windy

    windy Forums Regular

    Apr 26, 2013
    Tuscaloosa, Alabama
    No snow here in Alabama, but it is cold, going down to 8 tonight, and Blithe seems to love the cold weather. Due to physical limitations, I'm unable to walk him, so I have a dog door and both of us love it.

    The dog door is inset in the bottom of a low window, and Blithe will stand with hind legs on the inside window sill and front legs on the outer one, surveying his kindom outside. Unfortunately lots of cold air comes in when he does this, and also the seal on the door is no longer very good as it's so old. I've found they no longer make this size door so I can't get a replacement flap. Nevertheless, he is in and out all day when it's cold and seems a lot more frisky, and can come and go when he pleases.
  5. Fasb's Owner

    Fasb's Owner Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 21, 2013
    Morgantown, WV
    We just bought booties, but so far, Fasb won't wear themj. It's gotten to the point that he runs from the sight of them, and growls if we try to put them on him.

    We installed a doggie door in the basement, as a precursor to the pee pads. We were thinking that it'd be easier to train him to use it since he was already going down to the basement to have "accidents". The doggie door let him into a large enclosed space under our back porch. Fasb used it at first, but there were a couple incidents with animals getting into the space, including a showdown with a large snake that scared us.
  6. Justme

    Justme Forums Enthusiast

    Nov 6, 2011
    Minneapolis, MN
    Here, it was -23F last night, not including wind chill.

    When it got that cold, I would go outside with my boy, for a quick "pee and flee", in the fenced back yard.

    If his paws got too cold, he would either start limping, or sit down and show me his paw. When that happened, I would rush him inside to warm up, and try again, once he was warm.
  7. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    We have a doggie door, and everyone makes his or her own choice. So far, they've been out every day at least to go.
  8. Fasb's Owner

    Fasb's Owner Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 21, 2013
    Morgantown, WV
    No problems getting our walks in today. Did feed him dinner a few hours early (5 PM instead of 7). Wanted to get him walked before the sun went down and the temps dropped too extreme. It was 7-9 degrees at that point.

    Let him out later in the evening just long enough to pee in the yard while I started the jeep.

    Fasb's probably out of luck in the morning, though. Unless he seems to be in distress and having some sort of emergency, he's staying in until the sun comes out and it gets a few degrees above freezing.
  9. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    It was -12 over the weekend here in the morning. My guys all still go out, even the puppy (who makes a huge fuss if she doesn't get to do zoomies outside in the morning!) They're only out long enough to get their chores done, about 5 minutes, but they're fine. I'm outside with them to make sure they do what they need to. Remember, Shelties are dressed for the weather and although you shouldn't leave them outside in frigid temps, they can certainly spend a few minutes outside.

    When it snows, we shovel a path around our dog yard so it's easier for them to move in it. They still jump in the deep snow and love it! :rolleyes2:

    On average, my dogs go out 4 - 6 times a day even in bad weather.
  10. trini

    trini Forums Sage

    Nov 13, 2013
    upstate NY, USA
    Ann, like you we shovel paths all around the dog yard so they have nice open "highways" to travel...but my shelties totally ignore the paths and jump into the deep snow. They love to roll in it, rub their noses in it and eat it. :) My only one of mine who appreciates the paths is my little Yorkie....my Pommies also love the deep snow.

    This morning we are sub-zero and the wind is wicked...it is blowing so hard that it practiaclly blows my tiny ones off their feet! :( So outside time is literally only long enough for poops and pees and then instantly back inside.


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