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Chewing toys

Discussion in 'Toys' started by Biscuit, Jun 13, 2015.

  1. Biscuit

    Biscuit Forums Regular

    Feb 17, 2015
    I want to get some toys for my 7 month old puppy to chew and gnaw on without the high risks of intestinal problems. I got her a nylabone edible, and she was chewing it away so quickly. She broke off a huge chunk of the bone and swallowed it. I was so worried that it would damage and block her intestines, but thankfully she was fine. I've read these scary stories about other dogs getting surgery to remove bones like these. What type of chewing toys (preferably something you can find in petsmart,petco) you recommend for a puppy with a big appetite?
  2. Jean

    Jean Forums Enthusiast

    Apr 5, 2015
    PNW, Washington state
    I do hope you get a bunch of answers since I seem to have a "Jaws" on my hands with Blaze.
  3. corbinam

    corbinam Moderator

    Oct 14, 2008
    I really haven't found anything that I'd categorize as indestructible yet rewarding to chew. My favorite thing for Enzo is a deer antler. The dogs like to chew them (the split antlers are more popular) but they really can't be chomped into small pieces. I would be careful though because you do need to take it away when it gets small, and I wouldn't leave them with your dog unattended.

    We used to use himalayan chews but Enzo chews them up into pieces no problem, so those are out. I use Kongs filled with frozen peanut butter but they don't last long, and then they aren't fun to chew when they are empty.

    I don't like nylabones or rawhides because they can either be chewed into pieces or ingested in pieces that are too large and neither digest well (or are made of "good" things).

    We have a couple of the indestructible stuffed toys but they aren't really used for chewing.
  4. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    Nylabones got recalled due to contamination. Antlers are too hard. Himalayan chews just got recalled. Bully sticks are great! Must be low odor. They keep the teeth clean, but that is not exactly an all day sucker. Kongs are good. Must be large enough to not swallow but not TOO large. Cubby chewed for a long time on the super tuff flat ones I think Kong makes them? They have them at the big stores and they have like rings shapes. That one lasted through TWO puppies before the binding kinda frayed.

    The best, though, a thick hiker's sock with a big bulky knot in the center. You can wet/freeze it for teething, you can work with retrieves with it, you can put a treat inside the open end and kind of wedge it into the knot folds on the inside and allow it to be worked like a puzzle, it can be used for tugging which will help with agility/toy response later. Super washable and cheap. Comes in pairs or 4's or 6's. My husband had some and I just stole a pair that was getting a little worn.

    Get the super big thick hiker's socks . . .
  5. corbinam

    corbinam Moderator

    Oct 14, 2008
    I think it just depends on what kind of chewer you have. If I were to give Enzo a bully stick (which I've done) he eats it all in one sitting--just a couple chomps and rips and then he's done. They're so rich that I don't want him doing that.

    And then if I were to give him anything in a sock you better believe that his favorite thing would be to pull each and every little thread out and eat them! :rolleyes2:
  6. Silaria

    Silaria Forums Sage

    Sep 19, 2008
    Aspinwall, PA
    While Keiran isn't a huge chewer, he loves to gnaw on things. We use bully sticks and buffalo shins. He absolutely loves the Buffalo Shins. He found the ones we bought for Edan and CJ at Christmas time (it's pretty much bone left) and he'll gnaw on it for a long time. And yes, he can, and does, carry it around everywhere when he's in a chewing mood.

    Make sure when you buy anything for your dog to eat or chew on that it isn't from China. The shin bone I linked to is the brand I buy from an agility friend of mine who owns a small pet store and grooming salon (she's the groomer).
  7. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    Mine never disassembled the sock. Maybe my husband buys really good socks for his hiking boots. Mine, however, will eat anything cardboard -- esp. book covers.
  8. mimiretz

    mimiretz Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 14, 2014
    As far as bully sticks go, look for the I and Love and You brand. They're a Colorado company and the raw materials come from South America so they're as safe as bullies can be.

    One thing that Oberon loves, and that occupies him for a long time, are stuffed bones from Red Barn. They're basically sterilized, hollowed-out bones of various sizes that are then stuffed with things like sweet potato, Greek yogurt, various meats, etc. Oberon will spend hours sucking all the good stuff out and then days (or even weeks) chomping on the bone. They don't break off into small pieces, and he doesn't exactly chew them up; it's more like he just gnaws on them. When I eventually throw them away they have teeth marks on them, but no holes or anything.
  9. Jean

    Jean Forums Enthusiast

    Apr 5, 2015
    PNW, Washington state
    This comment reminds me of the time (forty years ago) when my Samoyed pup was teething. Husband was going to college at the time and there were times when he'd come home and leave his expensive books down where puppy could get. Result? Half eaten books and a "snow storm" of pages everywhere. I'd take one look and go back to Husband with "I love you." :lol:

    Now Blaze hasn't enjoyed himself with expensive college books, but I suspect that he is more of an "equal opportunity everything". Let's see, I've lost two pairs of jeans since he ripped them, two pairs of slippers (ripped those as well), chewed two zippers on pet carriers, he's caught his teeth on my sweater, stolen and shredded tissue AND toilet paper, snipped his leash in half when I simply turned my back to get bribes (to get him to walk on said leash)--okay the leash was only 3/8" wide, but still..., oh and he LOVES chewing up my Husband's plastic oxygen tubing :gaah. I don't think ANYTHING is safe, so I really was interested in answers to Biscuit's question.

    Guess I'll be asking the vet at his next puppy shots about safe things he could chew on. (Don't need for him to have a blockage because of rawhide, or for a stint of being sick from something being too rich for him, or for him to swallow the fabric he rips up.

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