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Brisbane Sheltie and Herding Group playdates

Discussion in 'Events' started by Han&Bon, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. Han&Bon

    Han&Bon Forums Regular

    Feb 24, 2013
    Brisbane, Australia
    A few Sheltie owners in Brisbane, Queensland have been discussing arranging some playdates for our Shelties and to meet up with other owners as there aren't many in our city. If you are a local and might like to join us please see our facebook page. Plus who doesn't want more sheltie cuddles if you can't fulfill your need to own multiple shelties! Thanks!!
  2. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    Let me tell you, the idea of being somewhere warmer with lots of shelties is very enticing. I am sooo over winter.
  3. Tabitha

    Tabitha Forums Enthusiast

    Apr 5, 2013
    Lubbock, Texas
    Awwww! I wana go! I've never been to a sheltie get together. Isn't there ANYONE in west Tx that has shelties they want to 'show off'?!
  4. Han&Bon

    Han&Bon Forums Regular

    Feb 24, 2013
    Brisbane, Australia
    We are very fortunate with our winters, its been unusally rainy but there have been some beautiful days that you just spend all day outside in the sun (still a high chance of getting burnt though!).
    I love that since getting a Sheltie there is this whole world of Sheltie people :) We had a picnic earlier this year with the Sheltie club (there are super cute pics on the Shetland Sheepdog club of Queensland website) and there is a Sheltie breeder who does sheep herding so that is always a sheltie meet up. It's always lovely to bump into Sheltie owners or previous owners and have chats like they aren't complete strangers :hugs
  5. sparrow963

    sparrow963 Forums Novice

    Jul 28, 2013
    United States
    Shelties are conversation starters

    I have the same experience with shelties being the common denominator in conversations with complete strangers. In fact, In just such a conversation I learned that female shelties don't have the lovely manes the males do. My one and only sheltie is a man-dog. His mane is beautiful. Since this is my first sheltie, I didn't know the difference. That also explains, though, why Lassie on TV was always a male dog.

    I adore my sheltie. He is a dear, dear friend who keeps me healthier with his need for daily walks. He has also mastered the art of asking for his daily constitutional with liquid brown eyes in such a becoming fashion that usually gets me up and moving with a laugh rather than a grumble. I firmly believe having a dog adds a great deal to the quality of life.

  6. Allie&Prince

    Allie&Prince Forums Novice

    Apr 17, 2015
    I can't find your Facebook page

    I'm a Brissy girl, have a beautiful Sheltie, do you still have your Sheltie Playgroup?
  7. Han&Bon

    Han&Bon Forums Regular

    Feb 24, 2013
    Brisbane, Australia

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