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Discussion in 'Help Forum' started by seashel, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. seashel

    seashel Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 29, 2010
    Kent, UK
    Not sure where to put this but I see there have been suggestions made here in the past so here goes! Mods please move if necessary.

    I was wondering if it would be possible to add a 'Resource' heading where we could post recommendation on books/DVDs/Websites that we've found helpful?
    This could be a real asset to new sheltie owners who may be looking for information on the breed or training and people looking for specifc things like pedigrees.

    There have been a lot of threads/posts about different books and DVDs but unless you do a search or happen to be online when the discussion takes place you could easily miss it which is a pity because there are a huge amount of genuine, useful reviews. I've found some brilliant books accidentally by stumbling accross old threads.

    Because there are so many books/websites/DVDs etc on dogs available it is easy to get bewildered and not know which ones will help and which to avoid so having some kind of recommendation I'm sure would help. Certainly it has helped me!

    There would be something to interest just about everyone I would think, even if you're just looking for a nice dog film for a saturday night!
  2. bi-blacks

    bi-blacks Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 17, 2012
    Winnipeg, Mb. Canada
    This sounds like a great idea. I know if I am researching anything on SN it sometimes takes awhile to find exactly what you want. Kudos for thinking of this and hopefully the mods think it is a good idea too.
  3. Kelly

    Kelly Administrator

    Feb 21, 2008
    Hi Seashel,

    Thanks for the suggestion! I've taken a day to think about it before responding and try to figure out how something like that could be incorporated into the existing framework of the forums. The problem is we do have an archives and favorites section in the site, but it is never used. I'm guessing that most members find what they need using the search function.

    My concern is that a specific reference forum could end up being a long and disorganized list. A thread containing a list of /books DVDs on all different topics isn't going to help someone who is specifically looking for agility DVDs. Even if we broke it down into specific threads, it could be a very long list of different topics to sort through. People would end up having to use the search feature anyway.

    I'd like to hear more feedback from the membership on this. Would you all like to have a specific "reference forum" that would include all categories? Or might a single "reference" thread in each existing category "stuck" to the top be more appropriate? Or are you finding the existing search functionality of the site adequate?
  4. seashel

    seashel Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 29, 2010
    Kent, UK
    I see what you're getting at, could be tricky...Just wondering - could I do a poll to see what everyone thinks?
  5. Kelly

    Kelly Administrator

    Feb 21, 2008
    Sure, we can see what everyone thinks.
  6. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    I think a reference forum could be manageable if broken down my general topic

    I'm thinking about

    Shelties in General (e.g. Sheltie Talk)
    Sheltie Grooming (e.g. Barb's Ross Book)
    Training e.g.
    - clicker
    - standard
    Novels about dogs.....just throwing this out there

    I don't think the list would get overwhelming. But I would limit it to a few favourites.

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