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all-white Shelties

Discussion in 'Sheltie Colors' started by DebbieGilbert, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. dawns2shelties

    dawns2shelties Forums Sage

    Excuse Me? This site is here for all of us to enjoy our love of Shelties and educate each other in many ways. If all of our Shelties had to fit the "breed Standard" many of us would not be here. I have a Color Headed white and a Blue Merle both were bred in puppy mills. Do I or this site promote puppy mills NO!!! but hopefully by someone reading their stories it will educate people to search for a responsible breeder and what to look for. Many Shelties here don't fit the Breed Standard due to their size, and yes Mia is a Lethal White. I believe Kelly started this site for us all to educate eachother in many ways with hopes of improving the breed.
    Watching The struggles and triumphs of Mias Life could not give any of us a better education on the out come of a Merle to Merle breeding.
    Michelle and Brian have opened their hearts and home to a Sheltie who many consider disposable. I can't commend them enough for doing this and want to thank them both for sharing her life with us all. I know Michelle and I know if she can save 1 person from breeding a litter of Lethal Whites by sharing Mias story than the time she spends on the forum sharing Mia's life with us will be well worth it.
  2. tofu pup

    tofu pup Moderator

    Aug 28, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    Hey everyone, just stepping in here again with my moderator hat on...

    Let's please remember to keep the discussion civil and calm. The OP is very new to the forum, and has only replied once to this thread so far.
  3. OntarioSheltie

    OntarioSheltie Forums Celebrity

    Apr 29, 2008
    Ontario, Canada
    There is one other member of the forum who had a double merle, who was also a rescue from a puppy mill. The member's name is Snowy, as is the name of her dog. She's been inactive for some time but she's still a member.

    Here are the links to two of her threads.


    Snowy had a horrible upbringing. Despite being deaf, mute, partially blind and she also had a club foot (among other problems), she was used for breeding. I applaud her people for taking her on and giving the poor girl a home.

    I think if you look further into this forum, you'll see that it does not in any way condone merle to merle breedings and that the majority of its members feel strongly that it is horribly unethical. However it DOES happen and Mia and Snowy have proven that not only do these dogs deserve homes as an alternative to euthanasia, but they can live good quality, happy, relatively normal lives.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2010
  4. labgirl

    labgirl Forums Sage

    Feb 22, 2009
    Suffolk, UK
    With respect I find the start of this thread ignorant and rude. Did the OP even bother to read about Mia?

    Dogs come to rescues for all sorts of reasons, within labs there are large numbers with SEVERE joint issues due to being badly bred - some are literally crippled before adulthood, others have lesser problems and as it is not a visible condition (from a photograph) if you weren't told you wouldn't know. However should people not take in these dogs and give them a quality of life? Should they be euthanised?

    Prior to learning Mia's story I might have said what hope has a deaf and blind dog got - but I see her running around and realise I was wrong.

    I also feel that Mia is a prime example for NOT breeding merle to merle and anyone who bothers to read her story can see that.

    Please, I know you are new, but that is no reason to come in all guns blazing and be so outspoken without knowing the facts. Asking a respectful question would have got you the same answer without getting people's backs up.

    Right, off to have a stiff cup of tea after getting all worked up!
  5. KarenCurtis

    KarenCurtis Premium Member

    Jan 30, 2010
    I just looked at all your pictures of Mia, and I almost cried. She is a wonderful, well loved (by shelties and great people) special needs dog. As the mother of a special needs child, these pics touched me deeply. I would love to meet her.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2011
  6. Narmowen

    Narmowen Forums Enthusiast

    May 20, 2008
    My first issue with your ignorant post:

    There is NO good reason for a 50% white Sheltie (according to the AKC breed standard) to be penalized. It was done for political reasons, and NOT for health reasons. A CHW (color Headed white) is more than 50% white, and there are NO health risks related to that white gene.

    IF it was for health issues, then please explain why Rough Collies, can be shown in the breed ring as CHW's? Same genes as Shelties (merling & white), yet they can be shown & Shelties not. From the AKC breed standard for Collie "The "White" is predominantly white, preferably with sable, tri-color or blue merle markings."

    Second issue: a white Sheltie CAN be shown in the breed ring. They are NOT disqualified. They are severely penalized, but NOT disqualified. Only the color brindle is DQ'd.

    Third issue: Some breeders breed merle to merle to get the homozygous merle, because any color bred to that dog will be a merle. Not a good reason, IMO, but some breeders know the risk & will do it.
  7. ClantyreSheltie

    ClantyreSheltie Forums Sage

    Feb 24, 2010
    You know, that's the second time in a week I have heard that it was for political reasons. That the people who pushed it through didn't like the person who was winning with the CHW. Hmm.
  8. take4roll10

    take4roll10 Moderator

    Aug 31, 2009
    This is the second warning. Let's not jump all over the OP. This is a new member and may not know as much about conformation and gentics as others. Please give her the benefit of doubt before jumping to conclusions.
  9. Pal's Mom

    Pal's Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 28, 2010
    Sahuarita AZ
    I give Mia's new mom all the credit in the world, it cannot be easy having a blind and deaf dog, thank God for people like her. There are all kinds of breeders out there and I actually read on this forum, somewhere on this forum about how to choose a breeder and I found it very helpful. This poor pup is not to blame for this breeder and I am so glad for her as she has found her forever home!
  10. SheepOfBlue

    SheepOfBlue Premium Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Personally I took no malice in her post just a question, and certainly none against Mia herself. You can read it a couple of ways but if you read it in my way, "I saw Mia and wonder how a breeder could intentionally risk the puppies health." While Mia will have a great life how many in her condition were immediately killed by a breeder? Of course I think anyone mentioning Mia in a poor manner will be pounced on by a protective Mom pretty fast :lol:

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