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Gingers Mom
Last Activity:
Jul 20, 2013
Dec 6, 2008
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Hopewell, NJ

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Gingers Mom


Forums Enthusiast, from Hopewell, NJ

Forums Enthusiast
Gingers Mom was last seen:
Jul 20, 2013
    1. danisgoat
      Have a great time in the Virgin Islands! I will let you know the next time we go to the chiro by your house. That wasn't me calling last night! Glad to hear that you are all well.
    2. danisgoat
      Long time since we chatted. I hope you are doing well and that Ginger is still as adorable as ever :)
    3. ruckusluvr
      sorry it took so long for me to get back to you, i have not had internet. they are by ruff wear. they are blue. ruff wear makes loads of boots but they are VERY pricey. another option are these rubber boots that look like balloons.i cannot remember what they are called. i got them off of cleanrun.com
    4. lukabear
      Is the cut clean or jagged? From what i've heard, the pads heal kind of like the mouth - from the inside out.

      I don't know that it would harm anything at all to put a thin layer of glue over the torn skin, I seriously did it for a few weeks on his pad because nothing else held and it kept it protected. I do remember that Bandaid makes something called liquid bandaid/second skin - so you might want to ask your vet about using that. It might be more flexible than super glue.

      Depending on where it is, you may even be able to put a bandaid on it, like the ones they use for blisters. The entire thing is cushiony, so I've found they hold up better than regular ones.

      Here's hoping it's healed a lot by then, though! I bet it will be. We went to the country not 2 weeks after Luka's paw and despite me holding him to carry him out of the car...
      He definitely jumped right onto the gravel road. It didn't bleed or anything. So, don't be too afraid. <3 They're hardy dogs.
    5. lukabear
      I bought several pairs of boots AND preemie socks. He kicked them off immediately. The best thing I found was the superglue. I used acrylic nail glue, now that I think about it. The brand name was KISS and did him no harm.

      He's very rambunctious though, so he would hop regardless and kick the sock off. I finally gave up on trying to keep anything on it and focused on keeping it free of debris after he'd come inside. The glue kept the pad together enough that debris didn't enter and formed a protective coating over the exposed skin. It wears off as the dog moves.

      The pad is just ridiculously slow to heal. Don't be freaked out if it still bleeds occasionally. If you want some kind of wash, ask your vet about a chlorhexidine solution. It doesn't burn them and is great to ensure there's no infection. You can pour a little from the top of the bottle and you're good to go. It's a blueish solution, if I remember right.
    6. Strider
    7. Strider
    8. SheltieGuy
      Schuylkill County :)
    9. Mally's Mom
      Mally's Mom
      Looking at your picture albums of Ginger. She sure is a pretty dog. I love the picture of her and the big ball. She looks so very happy!
    10. SheepOfBlue
      A visit would be cool I was plotting Sheltie buddies for Sca yesterday. I am off from the 24th through the 1st also. I could cruise over there real easy or I have a fenced yard. Whichever is best for Ginger as I am sure you will be tired of driving by the time you get down here.

      Oh and in case they have not told you look at http://www.nature.org/success/jericho.html which is near there. Or if you go further out I can tell you the cool and easy waterfalls in TN or AL
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    Hopewell, NJ
    Dogs that own me::
    Ginger, born Apr 27, 2008
    Hiking , Traveling w/Ginger