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What breeds do Shelties get along with?

Discussion in 'Sheltie Chat' started by Becky1, May 23, 2009.

  1. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Ok, Chris, you're not helping here! :biggrin2:

    Like OntarioSheltie said....you cannot compare the toy or minature size to the Standard. I think the Standards should be considered breeds on their own and are me maligned by the toy breeds that are most predominant today. Many are used as guide dogs, dog sniffers, senior companions. They are hardy and smart.

    Don't know why I'm pushing this breed so hard tonight. Maybe I'm just getting sick and tired of tired golden retrievers. They make me yawn!
  2. sailor_titan

    sailor_titan Forums Regular

    May 8, 2009
    Essex Junction VT
    Amen to that, BarbV! That and all the Labrador Retrievers...what is it with people and floppy-lipped dogs?! They're sweet animals, don't get me wrong, but I don't think they have half the charm of the herding group or the working group. (even other sporting breeds, like Setters, are more attractive IMO!)
  3. Aztec

    Aztec Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 20, 2009
    What I am sick to death of is poodle and poodle crosses! You can't go anywhere anymore around here without running into them (My Aunt Lisa has eight of them, my Uncle Dave has one, My Aunt Judy has two...they are everywhere :eek2:)

    The standards are nice, but they can be jumpy (not in a scared way, a hyper way) I would never own one because of the work that goes into the hair. None of my relative's dogs get along with Aztec real great - but they sure love the other poodles. (You can just imagine all the curly coats at our get togethers.)

    I really can't imagine not owning a herding breed.

    Have you looked into Welsh or English springer spaniels? The Welsh Springers are perhaps the sweetest tempered dogs I have ever met.
  4. mcguiregirl2248

    mcguiregirl2248 Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 12, 2008
    Britton, MI
    OMG!!! Cracking up over here! Too funny!!! :lol::lol:
  5. Becky1

    Becky1 Forums Regular

    May 23, 2009
    New Zealand
    Just met a spaniel poodle cross on the beach that adored Howard. She had just been clipped because of mangled fur and the owner was quite upset how "bad" she looked - we thought she looked pretty cool! So one up for the poodles!

    Then again...... my boyfriend also just showed me a picture of a Great Pyranees and said "I want that one"!!! :eek2:
  6. fourgalore

    fourgalore Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2008
    Atlanta, GA
    My sheltie gets along great with our 110lbs Great Pyrenees Mylo. They are totally BFF and Mylo is very gentle when he plays with Darcy. Mylo is 5 or 6 not sure of his age. He was found wondering Clemson University.
  7. Becky1

    Becky1 Forums Regular

    May 23, 2009
    New Zealand
    Thanks Fourgalore!!! That's exactly what I needed to hear!

    The more I look at Great Pyrenees on YouTube etc the more I like them! I mean they are BIG dogs but so calm and gentle by the looks of it. And my boyfriend has his heart set on a really big dog - I think this would be better than a German Shepherd or anything that would come in bossing Howard around.

    We'd love to hear any more experiences of Pyrenees vs Sheltie....... thanks!
  8. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Not a common breed. You might have a great deal of difficulty finding one.

    My two cents worth
  9. Becky1

    Becky1 Forums Regular

    May 23, 2009
    New Zealand
    Wow you are right there Barb... seems to be only 2 breeders in the whole of New Zealand. One luckily is within driving distance from us so I have made a very speculative enquiry with them - at least we'll know where we stand then!

    I'm really not keen on flying a pup anywhere as I'm sure it would be stressful, which rules out the second breeder in the South Island.
  10. Aztec

    Aztec Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 20, 2009
    If you are willing to go the really giant dog like a pyr, you could also look into Newfoundlands, and Bernese Mountain Dogs.

    Newfoundlands are one of the sweeter breeds I have met - and the Bernese Mountain Dogs are also nice dog. You are aware of how much these large breeds drool? Many of the owners of these breeds say you need color coded drool towels for every room :lol:

    I had a Bernese in my obedience class, very smart dog! It was slow sometimes, but it always performed the command. They are also breath-takingly beautiful.





    Bernese Mountan Dog:



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