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Suggestions for the BEST collar...

Discussion in 'Clothing, Leashes & Collars' started by melanibuice, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. melanibuice

    melanibuice Forums Novice

    Jul 5, 2015
    Cumming, GA.
    My sheltie is a little over 3 years and he doesn't like anything around his neck, we travel a lot and always take our friends with us...right now we have been risking it without his tags... please, any help finding the perfect collar will be forever appreciated and never forgotten!
    Thank you,
    Sheltie Lover
    Melani (pronounced may-lan-e)
  2. tesslynn

    tesslynn Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 3, 2014
    Kaleigh's preference

    Since day one, Kaleigh HATED anything around her neck. Still doesn't really like anything on her, but tolerates her rolled leather collar. My other shelties didn't pitch a fit about their collars, but Kaleigh would scratch at whatever I put on her neck, roll around trying to get it off, shake her head trying to get it off, etc. I tried various types, the ones that bothered her least usually were cat collars. I used those as they are thinner and usually softer and would bend more than dog collars, but the one that she allows on her now is a soft bendy rolled leather thin type collar. It was pricey, but worth it for her to stop pitching a fit. She doesn't sleep in it, but it is on all waking hrs. One of the posters here makes braided type collars-that might work as well:smile2: For Kaleigh it is about the width and softness that seems to be the issue, and she prefers it on the loose side. If she wasn't such a velcro dog, or had issues with voice command, I think I would have it tighter for safety sake, but she is mostly an appendage:lol: never far from reach.
  3. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    Hey, thanks for the shout out . . . that's me with the DogBraids (all one word).

    I was going to say that there is a rolled leather collar that is the softest thing ever ever. I found him on Amazon but he has an Etsy shop too. It is CollarDirect (all one word) on Amazon and on Etsy. The guy is in the Ukraine and seriously they are the softest things I have ever felt. We have one for outtings with Cubby. Shay my shepherd has a normal rolled leather collar which is good but stiff and I don't like it as well as the soft one. This CollarDirect stuff is really moveable, light weight, and comfortable.

    However, by and large mine wear braided satin cord collars that I make. I have regular snaps and breakaways. Mine wear the breakaways. My shepherd wears one that is 1/2" in diameter (practically clothesline size thickness) and my shelties wear the 1/4" diameter which is maybe thickness of a sharpie pen or a little less. Because they are round (rolled) they nestle nicely into the fur without tangling or wearing. They are really lightweight and the dogs don't mind them. Yes, I have an Etsy shop.

    Cubby hates stuff around his neck too but is fine with these. Go with lightweight and rolled but DO have a tag. It's important.

    Of note -- since Cubby hates things around his neck THAT much, we can't walk on a martingale. I have found that the Ruffwear Webmaster harness is an exceedingly safe walking option. It has two bell straps and if the back one is snug but not crazy tight or anything it cannot slip off over the head. It is rated for SAR work and rescues really like to recommend them too.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2015

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