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Junior Handler question

Discussion in 'Getting Started in Conformation' started by JessicaR, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. JessicaR

    JessicaR Forums Enthusiast

    Sep 8, 2008
    Tiffin Ohio
    So it sounds like even if it doesn't help with peer interaction, it should still help getting her out in new environments, and with coordination, since she will have to learn how to do the patterns while moving with the dog. (she is also seeing an occupational therapist for gross motor skills)

    I wonder if she would also benefit from agility, even if she ends up being the slowest one out there. :smile2:

    I guess we will see how things go at 4H next year and take it from there. :pop
  2. Lightplum

    Lightplum Forums Sage

    Jan 4, 2009
    Rhode Island
    I think my niece falls very much into the likes hanging out with adults part. She loves sitting at my grooming set up and talking with the other "adults". She amazed me after one show she knew all the sheltie handlers in the area and their names and dogs names etc..I was like WHAT?! How the heck!?!?! She is very good at sitting and listening. She also shows Noah in Jrs who as most who know Noah knows he can show himself with little to no human help :) This weekend she asked me a month or so ago if she could show Twinkie for me (shes just over 18 months) so shes showing her, shes been practicing since she asked me if she could show her. It wont be perfect but she listens better to my niece then myself so why not!
  3. JessicaR

    JessicaR Forums Enthusiast

    Sep 8, 2008
    Tiffin Ohio
    Since they are judging the handlers and not the dogs, she could use our oversized boy Dusty?

    He is a beautiful dog just 2 inches too big :( Anyways my oldest son used him in 4H for several years, the trainers called him a push button dog :lol: He is so easy to work with and nothing phases him.

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