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How much CBD oil?

Discussion in 'Drugs & Medications' started by shelee, Oct 9, 2019.

  1. shelee

    shelee Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 31, 2017
    I have a 10 yr old Sheltie with advanced elbow arthritis. I have posted on the illness discussion and received helpful advice. She is on many pain meds and I am looking into CBD oil. My daughter bought a 30 ml bottle (quite expensive) and she did not like the dry mouth it gave her. I would like to try it for Missy for her pain, but have no clue how much to give her. My vet said he has no experience with it. She is 22 lbs. How many ml should I give for her pain which is not yet severe, but getting to that point. Thank you.
    Piper's mom likes this.
  2. Piper's mom

    Piper's mom Moderator

    Jun 26, 2015
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
    I gave my boy Riley CBD oil (he had cancer of the spine) and it really helped his pain. My first question though is does this CBD oil have any THC in it? It's the THC dogs can have a problem with so before you use it make sure it either is very low in THC or better yet, has no THC. If it has no THC then it's virtually impossible to overdose on CBD, that being said however I'd start on a very very low dose (figure out what the human dose would be, factor in your dogs size and then start out even lower.). I made my own oil (marijuana is legal in Canada) because I couldn't find a good quality oil that was low in THC. Ideally I would've preferred to make it out of a good quality hemp (zero THC) but ironically while marijuana is legal here, hemp is not.
  3. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    How much CBD oil you give is totally dependent on the brand you use, unfortunately. There's no set amount guidelines, since every formula is different. I use it for some of my dogs' medical issues and finally found one that is cost effective and doesn't require 10 drops per dosage. Instead, I only give one to two drops. I'd suggest looking at the website of the brand you have and see if they have a dosage for pets. Otherwise, you'd have to call them. I wouldn't guess at an amount if you don't know for sure.
    Hanne and Piper's mom like this.
  4. Piper's mom

    Piper's mom Moderator

    Jun 26, 2015
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
    Your absolutely right Ann. I bought a hemp oil on Amazon and in my opinion it did nothing. No regulations at all.
    Ann likes this.
  5. shelee

    shelee Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 31, 2017

    It does not contain THC. I actually was going to use my daughters up. It was quite expensive and so thought maybe I would give it a try although I am skeptical. I don't understand how the same CBD can cure anxiety, restless leg, severe pain, acne and a multitude of other things. However since I had the CBD I thought I would give it a try with Missy since she is having limited results with the other meds the vet has her on. The brand Wild Theory does have one for pets that is listed as different than this one my daughter bought. I will call the store if I decide to try it. Thanks for the replies.
    Ann likes this.
  6. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
  7. Piper's mom

    Piper's mom Moderator

    Jun 26, 2015
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
  8. shelee

    shelee Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 31, 2017
    Thanks! I just sent a email to them with my questions for them.
    Piper's mom likes this.
  9. shelee

    shelee Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 31, 2017
    Thanks for the article. It was very helpful. I had heard there are a lot of "bogus" CBD oils out there. I am pretty ignorant about what to look for and the three vets in my rural area I have spoken to are no help. I am pretty much on my own trying to figure this out.
    Piper's mom likes this.
  10. Piper's mom

    Piper's mom Moderator

    Jun 26, 2015
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
    I totally understand, my vet could give me no information...sad really. They're not allowed here in Canada to give advice on CBD for pets because it's not licensed for use in animals (and possibly the same in the US) so we're stuck trying to figure it out ourselves. I did notice a big improvement with my boy when I gave him the CBD (he had cancer of the spine and was on full dose of metacam and Gabapentin 3x/day and still had visible pain) gave him much more mobility but I made my own. My sister actually used some of what I made (shoulder injury) so I knew it was effective. I just have him a very small dose.

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