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Afternoon naps

Discussion in 'Fuzzy Photo Updates' started by Piper's mom, Feb 24, 2022.

  1. Sharon7

    Sharon7 Moderator

    Oct 31, 2009
    Honestly the cutest photos. Finnie, Liam and Elijah are all cut from the same cloth, and even look very similar. Elijah is very empathetic and definitely our snuggler. I will never forget when Brooke got sick how Elijah gently watched over her and stayed close by her to comfort her.

    Glad you are feeling better every day Lisa!!
  2. ghggp

    ghggp Moderator

    Aug 28, 2011
    Grosse Pointe, Michigan
    Ron Atkinson and Sandy in CT like this.
  3. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    They seem to be really enjoying your recuperation! Too funny how they sleep in order. I bet Blueberry wants the prime spot...watch out, she'll be alpha soon! :ROFLMAO:

    I'm very glad to hear your pain is improving and sure hope the newer cast is lighter. The cast is the worst of an injury, I think. I hated wearing one when I broke my wrist years ago. Let those Shelties keep taking care of you...too bad they can't deliver meals!
  4. Piper's mom

    Piper's mom Moderator

    Jun 26, 2015
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
    Blueberry already thinks she’s the alpha and is very jealous of any dogs being near me! She’ll even give them a little snarl to let them know she means business!
    Ann and Ron Atkinson like this.

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