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Anyone use Doxepin for itching?

Discussion in 'Drugs & Medications' started by Sharon7, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. Sharon7

    Sharon7 Moderator

    Oct 31, 2009
    Just wondering if anyone has experience with Doxepin? Ally has pretty severe allergies this time of year, she is starting to scratch and her skin is turning pink. Last year I didn't catch it in time before she got a bad skin infection. :cry: My vet just gave me Doxepin to try since hydroxyzine did nothing for her. She's supposed to avoid steroids if possible due to her pancreatitis.

    I hope it doesn't make her drowsy - but other side effects can be urinary retention, constipation, elevated BP. I assume these are rare!! :uhoh: Anyone have their Sheltie on this med?
  2. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    Never heard of doxepin for skin condition, I had a cat that was given it for anxiety, made her really dopey. Didn't know about it stopping itching, maybe the OCD licking? Hydrozine I can imagine as it ends in -zine which usually signifies antihistamine. OT but my neurologist mentioned trying Hydrozine for my migraines if the current -zine I'm trialling doesn't work. And I still have to top that up with Beconase because it isn't stopping the spring allergies. Have you tried Phenergan, only thing I've had success for allergies in the dogs.

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