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Best alternative to Frontline Plus?

Discussion in 'Drugs & Medications' started by Fasb's Owner, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Fasb's Owner

    Fasb's Owner Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 21, 2013
    Morgantown, WV
    As I've mentioned in a couple of other threads, Fasb has some sort of skin allergy at the moment (non-painful, non-itchy, fortunately). It's looking increasingly that it could be a reaction to Frontline Plus, so the logical solution is to switch to a different product and see if the breakout clears up.

    I've never used anything but Frontline with my dogs. It's always done the job very well for us, so we've never had any reason to change. What is the best alternative to Frontline Plus? K-9 Advantix? I'm slightly familiar with Comfortis from about 4-5 years ago. At the time, my vet wasn't comfortable with it and didn't recommend it. I expect that has changed, as he now sells it. I think his office told me a while back that K-9 Advantix and Frontline were the best products to use, and they didn't have a great preference for one over the other.

    Suggestions. I'm going to want to stick to something well-known with a proven reputation. And, really, I'm only gathering information. I won't be making any change until I consult our vet and get his approval. Fasb last got a Frontline treatment two weeks ago, so I have about two weeks to sort this out.

  2. ClantyreSheltie

    ClantyreSheltie Forums Sage

    Feb 24, 2010
    So here's my question. Do you not have fleas *because* of the Frontline Plus? Or are a lack of fleas coincidental? I ask because where I live, in the suburbs, fleas aren't really a problem. And I religiously put Frontline on my dogs until it got too pricey with the quantity of dogs. Then I discovered when I stopped, I *still* didn't have fleas. Hmm. Turns out, my house is not a flea mecca, and short of another infested dog getting in my house, fleas are a non-issue.

    With that said, I have one dog who turns into an itchy, scaling, infected disaster when presented with a single flea on his body, so I use Advantage for him. My vet won't sell Advantix because of the toxicity.
  3. Fasb's Owner

    Fasb's Owner Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 21, 2013
    Morgantown, WV
    No clue. We rarely see fleas in the house or on the dog. We've only had one or two summers where they became an issue. One summer, they became a big issue. Infested the carpets and Fasb got a tapeworm from (prob from ingesting fleas). Not sure if Frontline is just that good or we don't have a flea problem.

    On the other hand, I'm told that fleas tend be heavy in our area and we live on the edge of a wooded area, so I'm not inclined to take chances.
  4. MAD3448

    MAD3448 Forums Regular

    Dec 20, 2012

    I have never used in insecticide on any of my pets. I have lived in areas where fleas where a big problem. I use brewers yeast with garlic and my dogs have never had fleas. One did have a tick at one time but I think living in Minnesota - one tick is acceptable. Brewers yeast is great for the coat and garlic puts a scent on the skin to repel fleas. One must start this in the winter before fleas become active. No, your dog will not smell like garlic.:lol:
  5. lasheltie

    lasheltie Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 27, 2012
    I have used all 3- Frontline, Comfortis & K9Advantix. Frontline stopped being effective for us so I switched to Comfortis. Loved it but it doesn't do ticks. We live in the country & sometimes ticks pop up so I switched to K9Advantix. It did ok for the most part til my daughter brought home a rescue puppy that must have had fleas. We are now fighting the battle & are using Capstar to get started & then either the Comfortis or K9Advantix. If ticks aren't a problem I would try Comfortis. Depending on the size of your dog I just got the 11-20 lb Comfortis for $75.95 for 6 months. It was that price at Heartland Vet Supply but 1800Petmeds will pricematch the price. Shipping was free.
  6. Ann

    Ann Moderator

    Feb 25, 2008
    I tried garlic this year, especially for my two who cannot take chemicals, Pixie and Lacey. I got the Springtime Bug-Off Garlic powder for dogs, and I'm feeding it to all four, figuring the extra protection can't hurt. So far, no fleas or ticks. :fl

    To my extreme frustration, Lacey, the one who needs it the most, refuses to eat her food with the garlic in it!! I admit the smell is *very* strong, but the other three gobble it right up. Miss PickyPants will have no part of it and went on a hunger strike in protest. We are back to vinegar/water/lemon juice spray for her and crossing my fingers it works. :gaah
  7. mellie

    mellie Forums Enthusiast

    May 18, 2011
    East Coast
    Well, I have been using the brewers yeast and garlic tabs for 4 years and so far no fleas. Sally did have a few ticks and contracted lyme disease however. :cry: So far no complications from the lyme disease. Makes me sick that she got it. Our property is loaded with ticks. I worry about DH and I winding up with it. I have boarded Sally and bring her into work (veterinary hospital) and no fleas so far. Pumpkin the cat is flea free as well. Both pets go outside daily and we live in a rural area. I would think there would have been opportunity for exposure but you never know. I also use DE on the carpets and sprinkle it under furniture cushions and on both pet's rumps mainly when we get into flea season-which apparently we have...half of the calls I took at work today were concerning flea treatment. It seems that both of the topical flea treatments we handle have failed for many clients. Now whether it is a compliance problem on the pet parent's part or product failure I don't know and it doesn't really matter-they still have fleas and are shelling out money and exposing their dogs AND themselves to insecticides. I would personally rather battle fleas ( had fleas 20 years ago) then the other options.. That's just me- it probably doesn't make sense to some but it works for my clan.
  8. MAD3448

    MAD3448 Forums Regular

    Dec 20, 2012
    Reply to Ann

    I use the brewers yeast and garlic tabs that I buy in petsmart. Hunter loves them. I have never tried a powder.
  9. dblock

    dblock Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 28, 2011
    We use Revolution and I have never seen a flea on him. The extra benefit of Revolution is that it provides heartworm protection.
  10. ClantyreSheltie

    ClantyreSheltie Forums Sage

    Feb 24, 2010
    Or risk, depending on your outlook. : )

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