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Discussion in 'Sheltie Training' started by Hannah, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. Hannah

    Hannah Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 19, 2014
    NSW, Australia
    I'm just wondering if it's possible to train a sheltie out of trying to eat everything and anything. I thought it was just a puppy phase, but at 12 months old Pepper still wants to devour everything she finds (twigs, leaves, plants, chook food, human food, toothpaste etc etc) I need eyes in the back of my head because she's so quick!

    I'm ashamed to say Pepper's had 3 visits to the vet because of something she's eaten in just her first year. I crate her when I go out, and when I'm home I feel like I'm constantly chanting 'leave it!'.

    She has plenty of toys to chew, but I guess other things are more interesting. I never had this problem with Honey who's a year older. I just feel that for Pepper's safety I really need to get a handle on this problem. I'd really appreciate any advice :smile2:
  2. Mom2Melli

    Mom2Melli Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2013
    Central California
    I will let you know if Cubby stops trying to eat everything in sight!
  3. RikyR

    RikyR Premium Member

    Nov 27, 2013
    Baton Rouge LA
    Zulu is the same way. Eats anything and everything. So far everything has passed without issue, but we are very careful not to leave anything in his range. He will be a year old this month, and he is getting better at "drop it" IF we see him in the act. Still hoping this is something he will grow out of.
  4. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    It sounds like you're dealing with 2 issues - one being scavenging and the other is pica.

    With the scavenging, I've asked many a behaviourist and trainer for ideas and gotten nothing. Deska is a shocking scavenger and Tully has had many vet visits for the bench surfing.

    The only thing that worked for me is to stop giving out treats. When I'm giving treats (eg doing some sort of training) the scavenging gets worse. I found that having a routine for food makes a huge difference (esp for Deska). This includes regular 'treasure hunts' in the house to satisfy their need to scavenge (I usually hide bits of chicken).

    As for the pica, which is eating non-food items, you might need to talk to your vet about it and have a look online. She may still grow out of it though.
  5. Hannah

    Hannah Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 19, 2014
    NSW, Australia
    Nice to know I'm not alone! Thanks for the replies.

    RikyR, interesting that Zulu is the same way at the same age... hopefully they grow out of it very soon!

    Caro, good to hear that stopping the treats worked. I'll try that with Pepper... I think she probably gets too many treats as it is (and probably lots I don't know about from my kids). That could be the problem here. A regular treasure hunt is a great idea.
  6. Jean

    Jean Forums Enthusiast

    Apr 5, 2015
    PNW, Washington state
    Oh no! Chanting "leave it" is my future? This is NOT good news. And I *have* to live in moss and pine cone country. And here I thought that simply walking without a little one attacking my pants, ankles, and shoes was going to be my sole problem.

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