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Official NAFA dog now

Discussion in 'Flyball' started by SheepOfBlue, Apr 9, 2012.

  1. SheepOfBlue

    SheepOfBlue Premium Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Sca got two of his three current titles at class the other night :biggrin2:

    Attached Files:

  2. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    Congrats Sca. It's so nice to see it on paper, even if they can't read it. The titles reallyy are forr us.

    I had hoped Deska would get his Masters before retiring. I know it doesn't matter to him but it still would have been nice for me. I brought an FM badge when Tully got her Masters so I could wear it with my 000 start badge.
  3. Justicemom

    Justicemom Forums Celebrity

    Oct 2, 2009
    Congrats on offically seeing Sca's title on paper. :smile2:

    Of course the titles are for us but I think it says a whole lot more:

    What is a title, really?
    by Sandy Mowery, from Front & Finish
    Not just a brag, not just a stepping stone to a higher title, not just an adjunct to competitive scores; a title is a tribute to the dog that bears it, a way to honor the dog, an ultimate memorial. It will remain in the record and in the memory, for about as long as anything in this world can remain.
    And though the dog himself doesn't know or care that his achievements have been noted, a title says many things in the world of humans, where such things count.

    A title says your dog was intelligent, adaptable, and good natured. It says that your dog loved you enough to do the things that please you, however crazy they may have sometimes seemed.

    In addition, a title says that you love your dog. That you loved to spend time with him because he was a good dog and that you believed in him enough to give him yet another chance when he failed and in the end your faith was justified.

    A title proves that your dog inspired you to that special relationship enjoyed by so few; that in a world of disposable creatures, this dog with a title was greatly loved, and loved greatly in return.

    And when that dear short life is over, the title remains as a memorial of the finest kind, the best you can give to a deserving friend. Volumes of praise in one small set of initials after the name.

    A title is nothing less that the true love and respect, given and received and recorded permanently.
  4. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    way to go Sca-big congrats:yes:
  5. SheepOfBlue

    SheepOfBlue Premium Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Now we need to get Spitfire going. Currently he is being Mr Scaredy despite his usual I will attack everything mode. Shoot he even plays with all the dogs in class in between... put people are scary :rolleyes2:

    Sca MIGHT go gold before we stop for summer. If not he might get it at the CanAm event in Indy (biggest flyball race in the world I think they claim)

    Spitfire should still be a spectator
  6. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    Congrats on the titles Sca!!!

    And personally, I think they can read. Just Sunday Koji took a jump in agility and I thought, "oh no, there goes my run", only to find out later that I in fact needed to take that jump. He must have read the number, because I sure didn't. :rolleyes2:
  7. Bejilia

    Bejilia Forums Regular

    May 13, 2011
    congratulations :smile2:
    (sadly we don't have titles for sport dogs here...)
  8. SheepOfBlue

    SheepOfBlue Premium Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Do they give trophies instead or just nothing?
  9. Bejilia

    Bejilia Forums Regular

    May 13, 2011
    We get trophies or medals for the first, second or third place in a competition and we have to collect qualifications for a higher competition class, but not with this title system...

    R. m. Q.
  10. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    Congrats to the Sca-Man! Flyball insanity!!!! :winkgrin:

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