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Indie has left us

Discussion in 'Sheltie Angels' started by GChiu, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. GChiu

    GChiu Forums Enthusiast

    Thank you everyone for your comforting words. It's been really hard. I am also sorry for your losses, too.:hugsThe more time is passing without him, the more my heart breaks.
  2. alonsoe

    alonsoe Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 20, 2014
    So sorry.... it's a deep pain that take a lot of time to pass by.....but try to remember the great moments toghether.

    hugs :hugs
  3. trini

    trini Forums Sage

    Nov 13, 2013
    upstate NY, USA
    Gail, I think it always gets harder as the finality of the loss sets in, before it can begin to get better. As hard as it is to imagine now, time will put a bandage on the pain and, although it never fully goes away, someday it won't be so sharp. It is not an easy journey and my heart goes out to you.

  4. GChiu

    GChiu Forums Enthusiast

  5. alonsoe

    alonsoe Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 20, 2014
    I had a female named India (so similar to yours...) when I was young and she died in 3 hours at 16 years old, I was unable to go out of my bed during 3 days, I was devasted.

    I still remember my beloved girl, and I still dream that she appears suddenly because se were lost and come back home....so sad when I wake up and see that she's not at home. But she's waiting me in the bridge for sure.

    It has been 25 years, and I have had another dogs, and each of them took a part of my heart with them when they crossed the bridge...:(
  6. roguskie

    roguskie Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 12, 2014
    New Zealand
    In so sorry to hear about your loss! Thinking of you all at this sad time xo
  7. Hanne

    Hanne Forums Sage

    Nov 13, 2014
    alonsoe - You describe it so well, it might as well be me who wrote about my grief and feelings about losing a beloved dog, every time I hurt so badly that you do not think you get over the grief you describe it so beautifully:
    each of them took a part of my heart with them when they crossed the bridge..

    (sorry for my english)
  8. wjo53

    wjo53 Forums Enthusiast

    I know the pain you're going through, having lost April late in Nov. Still having a hard time dealing with it.
  9. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity


    I'm sorry if I'm late with this post. I'm so very sorry! I know the sudden loss is hard, but the long protracted illnesses are worse, because you have to struggle with all the vet options set before you.....I don't know if that's any comfort.

    My timber was diagnosed and died the same day. He had a tumour in his chest. He had been coughing a little but I didn't think too much about it. Then one day he started to cough and wheeze a lot. Quick trip to vet.....xrays, tumour, and fluid in the lungs. They sent me home with him, with meds for the fluids. Did no good. Within an hour, I was rushing to emerg, but he was already DOA.

    Bacca was a different case, we knew he would die eventually with the liver shunt. It was not if, but when. He collapsed when I was in the Domican. I had to make the decision to put him to rest over the phone, and I could not be with him.

    It's never easy losing our pups.....I've lost too much over the years, including my daughter. But you do move on and you can regroup.

    Take strength from the forum and take strength from yourself. Hugs!
  10. Sackett

    Sackett Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 16, 2010
    Cottage Grove, Oregon
    Gail, that was to young and too sudden; all of us feel your sorrow. Prayers to you.

    Puppies help heal the pain!

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