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Perfect sheltie harness

Discussion in 'Clothing, Leashes & Collars' started by ruckusluvr, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. ruckusluvr

    ruckusluvr Forums Enthusiast

    Lynn is so sure that she is suppose to try to jump out in front of cars on a walk! I usually use a martingle collar on here, but I was having trouble controlling her. She also pulls on a walk. I knew that most dogs actually pull worse with a harness on, but at the time I didnt care. I just wanted better control over her. So I went to walmart and got her a cheap harness.

    to my surprise she didnt pull what so ever! however this harness is big and bulky. its too wide too! So I searched online and I think that I may have found the perfect thing to walk a sheltie with!

    its called the rope n go harness

    they come is super cute colors! they are thin and look so comfy. It doesnt look like it would rub blisters on the dogs, or fur off the dogs! I ordered two a few minutes ago! I just wanted to share this because it looks perfect to me
  2. mbfrench

    mbfrench Forums Celebrity

    Aug 2, 2009
    South Carolina
    Ya know that is just the coolest harness. I may order a couple for my Grand dogs for Christmas. Thank you for sharing the link~
  3. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    very cool. Altho I am pretty sure Deska would chew through the rope. I got a stow-and-go harness which is fairly thin and lightweight (altho not as much as that one). It still leaves little matts in the middle of his back as it tends to move around more than the heavy weight one. But Deska much prefers it because it is lighter weight and more comfortable for him.

    These darn stunt shelties - maybe they do it so we will buy all the trendy stuff.

    What colours did you get - there are so many to choose from.
  4. ruckusluvr

    ruckusluvr Forums Enthusiast

    Lynn got the blue/green one
    Ruckus got orange!

    I let hubby pic out Lynn's and of course I didnt really like what he picked out. but I try to let him be a part of it too!
    I wanted Lynn to have pink or yellow
  5. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    I love orange on shelties. I get all Deska's things in orange - I used to get all blue so people could tell he was a boy - but who could see under all that fur anyway!.

    The blue/green one is very trendy - I can see why he went for it, but the pink is so sweet. Mind you, dogs cant see red so the pink one would just look white to Lynn anyway.
  6. terdonal

    terdonal Forums Enthusiast

    Apr 9, 2008
    Maple Ridge. BC
    That Rope-n-Go looks like it could be just what we are looking for. Thanks for the link.
  7. ruckusluvr

    ruckusluvr Forums Enthusiast

    I am so glad the link did lots of people some good!

    i will be sure and tell everyone how i like mine when they come in. If i get a new digital camera by then i will take pics too!
  8. take4roll10

    take4roll10 Moderator

    Aug 31, 2009
    that's an awesome harness. I bookmarked the link. Might order it in a few weeks
  9. Smudge

    Smudge Forums Sage

    Jun 2, 2009
    I'm going to order one tomorrow. That looks very easy to put on, and I love easy! :biggrin2: I mostly buy Smudge things in blue so people will think he is a boy, too. They still think he is a girl!

    A girl collie. :rolleyes2:
  10. ruckusluvr

    ruckusluvr Forums Enthusiast

    costumer service is great there! They emailed me and asked if I was SURE I wanted a medium large harness for my shelties, that seems like it would be too big. and I told them that they were big shelties. Most companies wouldnt care, you get what you ordered.

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