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Please think of Kopi

Discussion in 'Diseases & Illnesses' started by jaylam33, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. jaylam33

    jaylam33 Forums Regular

    Oct 17, 2014
    Toronto, Canada
    Thanks for all the well wishes everyone.

    Update :

    Kopi will most likely need a 2nd night in the ICU as she still had diarrhea a couple times. They noticed that there was some grit in it (most likely dirt that she ate), but they are certain that's not the problem that's causing her spewing issue.

    She's still a tad dehydrated with the diarrhea, and vomiting. Low blood sugar as well. So still hooked up to the IV to fix up the problems.
    Seems to be a little worse for the ware, but slowly recovering.
    As long as she is able to keep food down, and have a solid stool than she will be ready to come home.
  2. susanmccain

    susanmccain Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 27, 2013
    London, Ohio
    Thanks for keeping us updated. It's good to hear that Kopi is improving and will get to come home soon.
  3. jaylam33

    jaylam33 Forums Regular

    Oct 17, 2014
    Toronto, Canada
    So good news.... seems like Kopi might be able to go home tonight as long as she maintains solid poop and blood sugar levels *fingers crossed*

    Vet thinks it was a bacterial infection of some sort that caused the issue.

    Because of the constant diarrhea for sanitary purposes, they had to shave her butt, and part of her tail ='( .... how long do you think it will take to grow back?

    Also should I consider a coat / jacket thing for her since she might be cold in the winter, as her fur hasn't exactly grown in yet.
  4. alonsoe

    alonsoe Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 20, 2014
    Great news!


    Thanks for keeping us posted about him:smile2:
  5. Sharon7

    Sharon7 Moderator

    Oct 31, 2009
    So glad your little one will be OK. It takes months for the fur to all grow back, unfortunately. But that's the least of it, eh? Hugs to you and Kopi.
  6. jaylam33

    jaylam33 Forums Regular

    Oct 17, 2014
    Toronto, Canada
    thanks everyone for your kind words and prayers.

    Kopi came home last night! The vet called us in the afternoon and said she was making great progress and had not thrown up over the past few hours. Her stool was firming up and she was showing signs of improvement.

    The best feeling was when the vet brought her out - she looked over at us and came running over. We were equally excited to see her. She's pretty much back to her normal self!

    She still has some medication to take and is on a bland diet. But we can slowly work back to her normal food and eating schedule.

    thanks again everyone!! :D
  7. susanmccain

    susanmccain Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 27, 2013
    London, Ohio
    What great news! That is wonderful...I'm happy for both you and Kopi.
  8. Mally's Mom

    Mally's Mom Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 18, 2009
    So happy to hear that your Kopi is doing so well.

    Thank you for your updates.

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