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Keeping a dog away from stitches

Discussion in 'General Health' started by Hannah, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. Hannah

    Hannah Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 19, 2014
    NSW, Australia
    My 7 month old Pepper was spayed on Monday and will not stop going for her stitches. The vet sent me home with an elizabethan collar, which I should have put straight on her when she was still all drowsy from the anaesthetic!

    I didn't put the collar on until the next day when she was back to her old lively self and showing interest in the stitches. She fought tooth and nail while I got it on, and then having it on seemed to send her literally crazy and she actually managed to get the thing off. I'm just resigned to the fact now that the elizabethan collar is not going to work for her.

    It might seem ridiculous, but at the moment I have her dressed in a toddler sized onesie with a few alterations to keep the stitches area covered, but she still tries to bite at the area and I have to watch her constantly. I'm hoping someone here might have some better suggestions?
  2. melbell

    melbell Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 4, 2013
    Erie, Pennyslvania
  3. Sheltiemama

    Sheltiemama Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 15, 2012
    Yes! I bought one of those blow up cone/collar things and it worked perfectly! DEFINITELY better than the big hard cone.
  4. Hannah

    Hannah Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 19, 2014
    NSW, Australia
    They look great! I've just found something really similar locally, so we'll be trying it out. Thanks for the link :smile2:
  5. melbell

    melbell Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 4, 2013
    Erie, Pennyslvania
    Awesome! I'm glad you could find something :biggrin2:
  6. tesslynn

    tesslynn Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 3, 2014
    surgi snuggly suit

    I didn't want the cone of shame as it had freaked out my previous shelties...on amazon I got a surgi snuggly suit, they are used for skiddish dogs for thunder as well. It is soft material, sorta mimics lycra...the vet who did Kaleigh's spay thought it was funny, but they put it on her before I picked her up and thought it was a great idea...she wore it happily while she recovered and I had no issues with her messing with the stitches. I would lift the backend for potty time, then refasten it...it worked great for us.
  7. Hannah

    Hannah Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 19, 2014
    NSW, Australia
    Thanks Tesslyn, what a great concept! Good to know that there are other options out there besides the horrible cone.
  8. SueEllen

    SueEllen Forums Regular

    Jan 3, 2014
  9. DLCusimano

    DLCusimano Forums Novice

    Jan 31, 2015
    Dewclaw Removal Stitches

    Our Dewey was neutered and had his back set of Dewclaws removed Thursday. The vet kept him overnight and we picked him up Friday afternoon. They gave us an e-collar aka cone of shame to help prevent him from licking and ripping out his dewclaw stitches. Well, shelties have a long snout, so he can easily position himself to lick his stitches. We haven't called the vet yet, but I don't think his e-collar is really doing the trick. Does anyone have another recommendation? I've read online to bandage at night while in kennel and also put baby socks on their paws, but Dewey loves to pull on strings and chew on tags, I'm worried that would only encourage additional chewing.
    He hasn't even tried to bother his neuter incision. And has plenty of energy!! He's not even phased by the stitches...he's more annoyed by the e-collar preventing him from getting to the cat! lol
  10. bkzoo

    bkzoo Forums Enthusiast

    Feb 25, 2014
    I bought one of the inflatable rings for Baker (who was neutered on 2/16). It worked wonderfully! He could see, eat & drink normally. I think he even enjoyed having his little pillow with him for whenever a nap seemed like a good idea. :)

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