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Male sheltie and female Dachs? Will there be a problem with sheltie trying to mate?

Discussion in 'Considering a Sheltie?' started by Stavrum, Apr 9, 2012.

  1. Stavrum

    Stavrum Forums Novice

    Apr 9, 2012
    I'm buying a sheltie soon, me and my family have recently talked to some breeders and we have desided to buy from them. They have a litter now that consists of male shelties only (others were taken) and a litter coming in a week or so.
    Our cousin also has a dog, a female dachs. My question is, Will there be any problem with the male sheltie mating with the dachs?
    So would it be best for us to wait a week and get a female instead? So we dont have to watch over the dogs all the time while she's in heat.
    In Norway atm it is NOT allowed to nuder (or castrate, dont know the english word) -Nuder male dogs without a special reason, either medical or dogs in work (blind walker dogs and so forth)
    So thats not an option either.

    Will there be any problem with the male sheltie mating with the dachs?

  2. xerospin

    xerospin Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 11, 2010
    That's a weird question. Do you mean if it is possible the male sheltie will try to mate with the female dachs when he's older?

    If so then YES it's absolutely possible and please if you can't neuter the male sheltie I would suggest you get a female instead. That's a very strange law you have in Norway. Absolutely bizarre.
  3. tofu pup

    tofu pup Moderator

    Aug 28, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    Yes, you need to keep them apart when she's in season. You mention that the bitch is owned by your cousin; if your cousin and the Dachshund don't live with you, this should be even easier (ie. you don't take your male dog over to visit).

    Many people keep intact males and intact females. It isn't as common in the US, but breeders do it routinely. Preventing accidental litters is pretty simple: keep the intact males away from the female who is in season. I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to do it successfully, too.

    It might be a good idea to ask your puppy's breeder how s/he deals with the problem, as the breeder is likely keeping intact animals of both sexes.

    Good luck, and enjoy your new puppy!
  4. Toffee's Mom

    Toffee's Mom Forums Sage

    Aug 31, 2009
    Nova Scotia, Canada
    I agree, if they live in same house it may be more difficult to keep them seperated and it may be easier to wait for a female.
    But if not, Tofu's pup has the right answer!

    There is a lot to be said to keep hormones normal and to not castrate... but it's very tough to understand for a lot of us here in Northamerica...
  5. marymrumfelt

    marymrumfelt Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 16, 2010
    Tulsa, OK
    I agree... If I could redo on my boy, I'd probably leave him intact. My girl has incontinence from being spayed... so it definitely does mess things up :(

    I'd certainly give up neutering to be able to live in Norway:lol:
  6. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    Hi! We have an intact male along with spayed females. I keep him away from any unspayed females. It's pretty simple -- get the puppy you want and be your sweet, responsible self.
  7. ClantyreSheltie

    ClantyreSheltie Forums Sage

    Feb 24, 2010
    Many dogs will breed anything that stands still and flags. They don't care about breed, age, or relation.

    Baby gates, closed doors, and careful supervision are your friends.
  8. Lightplum

    Lightplum Forums Sage

    Jan 4, 2009
    Rhode Island
    mine dont even care about species...mine try with my male neutered cat..he is not amused!:lol:
  9. Danny's mommy

    Danny's mommy Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 2, 2011
  10. marymrumfelt

    marymrumfelt Forums Enthusiast

    Aug 16, 2010
    Tulsa, OK

    I'm convinced, after looking at many pictures, I have the cutest sheltie mixes. They're so adorable...although, they don't look one ounce of sheltie LOL

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