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Perfect sheltie harness

Discussion in 'Clothing, Leashes & Collars' started by ruckusluvr, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    Ok, now I'm confused?

    Are you recommending a martingale or not, harness or not. At first it sounds like you do not recommend a harness, you do recommend a martingale, but then you end up by saying they rub too much.

    In my experience, the advantage of a martingale is that they DON'T rub. They are loose around their necks at rest and only tighten up when attached to a leash or grabbed by a hand.

    There are different types of martingales. The ones I got at Petsmart were about 1/2" - about the same as normal collar. The custom ones I have are super slim - about 1/8". They are mostly not visible at all.
  2. ruckusluvr

    ruckusluvr Forums Enthusiast

    flightly dogs should wear a martingale.

    if they are not flighty i would recommend a harness.

    I was just sharing my experience with earth dog martingales, and primer pet martingales. they rubbed, pulled hair, were big, etc.
    I guess i should had mentioned the two dif. types of martingales i have used.
  3. Diana

    Diana Forums Enthusiast

    Sep 28, 2009
    Chicago, IL
    Thanks, ruckuslover, that's exactly what I was asking! :)
  4. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    I'm afraid I don't agree. Deska has gotten out of a martingale with his spinning and backing when there are cars around. So if we are walking near cars he has a firm harness on. If he is off-lead somewhere I may need to put his lead on quickly he has his lightweight harness (it takes too long to find his collar through his thick mane). Other times I will put on a slip collar or martingale, just because its quick and easy, and a little cooler (altho it does leave matting around his goatee area). Tully has never gotten out of her martingale but then Tully tends to pull rather than back up.

    Deska gets little matts at certain points on the harness - such as in the middle of his back. I wouldnt go for padded. I dont know how hot it gets near you but the padded ones tend to hold down the fur and reduce the area where the air can circulate (thus making the dog hotter).

    You may need to buy another harness as Buffy gets older. They start filling out around the belly and chest around 9mths.

    and just OT - at the oval yesterday about 20 cars pulled up in the carpark at varying times and DESKA DIDNT CHASE ANY OF THEM!!!!!!!! Instead he came to me to get a treat. I was astounded, maybe there is hope (altho he did try to chase cars at flyball the night before)
  5. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    that sounds very promising :smile2:
  6. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    I would look to the fit of the martingale. It's a bit of a science.
  7. mbfrench

    mbfrench Forums Celebrity

    Aug 2, 2009
    South Carolina

    Well its been a little while,and I know some of ya'll were looking at this harness,and some did order it.
    Did the harness meet your standards,and is it what it said it was as far as ease of use.
    I was thinking about it for gifts for the two grand dogs,tea cup chihuahua's.
    Thanks everyone~
  8. Smudge

    Smudge Forums Sage

    Jun 2, 2009
    They said it was going to snow here Friday night. IF it does not snow Smudge and I will be going to get his picture taken with Santa. I'm going to try the harness out when we go. I feel that being in a shopping center around Christmas time I need better control of him. Since he doesn't know how to "walk on a leash" yet he does his own thing. Sometimes he'll walk, sometimes he won't. Other times he'll lay down. :rolleyes2: Yes, my dog sees nothing wrong with planting himself down in the middle of the road in the middle of oncoming traffic.

    I've got to have a serious talk with that boy. :lol:
  9. mbfrench

    mbfrench Forums Celebrity

    Aug 2, 2009
    South Carolina
    Well I'm gonna tell ya..Trapp is no walk in the park either when he's on leash. I try with him every day here in the yard,walking on lead.And I'll tell ya,he is stubborn,he will plant his butt,and not move.Sometimes he walks nice,but 95% of the time,he is a handful.

    At the times we have taken him out in public,we usually end up carriying him,as he will not walk on a leash.I know it's a puppy thing,but as Smudge does,Trapp will plant his little behind on the pavement,and he ain't moving!

    Between typical sheltie shyness,and the new atmosphere of meeting new folks etc,I find him at times backing up,until he feels comfy in walking.So afraid he will back out of his lead (combo martingale/& leash) all in one.

    Really thinking seriously about a harness,but just don't know which one yet.

    If anyone has any tips on how to handle this issue,I am all ears,cause we need to get past this silliness of him not walking properly on a leash! I think it is the only pet peeve right now with his developement,that has us very frazzeled.

    I have never had a pup,that after the first few outings,or even here in the yard,that they did not get the just of walking on a leash.
    We've even used Earnhardt as a walking buddy, we've used treats,clicker..which did help some,but once he gets the notion to sit and not move,hes not moving.

    And I hate to gently tug,cause you know how people look at ya in public..(look at that crazy lady..pulling that puppy)..wa wa wa!
  10. Smudge

    Smudge Forums Sage

    Jun 2, 2009
    ROTFL! :lol: When Smudge's eye was bad I hated making him walk for that very reason. I bet they looked at me and thought "That HAG!! She's forcing that sick puppy to walk, and his eye looks strange! I bet she beats that poor dog!"


    It was quite comical though. People would give me all kinds of crazy looks. I would pick Smudge up and run to my truck so nobody could see me laugh like a maniac.

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