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New and Here to Save My Sheltie

Discussion in 'Recipes' started by Rocky's Mom, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. Rocky's Mom

    Rocky's Mom Forums Novice

    Feb 21, 2014
    Rock Island, IL
    Hi all Sheltie Lovers! I have an 8-year-old who we adopted when he was 4. He had previously had the full treatment for heartworm as his owner didn't give him heartworm meds, and he contracted it. Since we have had him his kidneys have been slightly impaired. This may be the reason he has now developed fatty tumors.

    Rocky also has arthritis in his right leg that (I was told) probably is the result of getting kicked.

    I do not want to cause him more discomfort, such as having tumors removed. I see on Google there is recommendation of utilizing homemade food to reduce or get rid of fatty tumors.

    Does anyone have a good homemade diet I could try on Rocky? He doesn't do well with wheat.

    Thanks soooo much for your help in saving my wonderful little boy!
  2. Emmasmom

    Emmasmom Forums Sage

    Apr 2, 2010
    Welcome. Check out Lew Olson's book raw and natural nutrition for dogs.
  3. Chris

    Chris Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2008
    Orijen and Acana are grain-free. Acana is lower protein -- but still maybe too high for your Sheltie. But you could try for 8 weeks and then check blood levels.

  4. Bradt9881

    Bradt9881 Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 15, 2014
    Fayetteville, NC
    I am not sure a low fat diet will get rid of lipomas but there is definitely a link between obese dogs and lipomas forming. Try a low fat diet see what happens. I fed my sheltie that needed it a prescription diet (hills low fat GI ease) because I am not much of a cook....
  5. RikyR

    RikyR Premium Member

    Nov 27, 2013
    Baton Rouge LA
    If you are dealing with kidney disease, you need to be very careful what you feed. Join the Yahoo Group K9kidneydiet. There is wealth of information on kidney disease and recipes that will help to slow the progress of this disease. Also go to dogaware.com. A great site for all types of dog heath issues. I recently lost my Sheltie to kidney disease, you need to do all you can to slow the progress of this terrible disease. Without proper care, things can go downhill very fast!
  6. tesslynn

    tesslynn Forums Enthusiast

    Mar 3, 2014
    addressing sheltie arthritis

    my sheltie suffered with arthritis coming up on 15 yrs..(she passed at almost 17, 1/2014) but I had great success using green lipped mussel and boswellia. She wasn't stiff like before and if I forgot to add it to her breakfast, she let me know. It made her flexible again. I prefer going the herbal route then using any prescription meds. Green lipped mussel is widely used in the UK for pets with joint ailments
  7. Caro

    Caro Moderator

    Jan 14, 2009
    I second the green lipped mussel, it's a great natural anti-inflammatory and I use it for both my dogs.

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