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It's official, Miko is deaf or going deaf

Discussion in 'Senior Sheltie Health' started by k9kreationz, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    See okay. It's not just me that it seems like Miko hears things just fine....but certain things.

    I did try this noise that I make to get his attention to wake him up (always used it, just not to wake him up). It seemed to startle him still. May have to play with the pitch and loudness. But he seems to respond to high pitch noises. I would say his name, then make the noise, but low pitched, then change it to high pitched and then he'd wake up.

    So obviously he can here, just not everything I'd assume. I'll play with the sound of that noise for now. If it works, it'll also help me know when his hearing is getting worse.
  2. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    The person who watches the dogs when I have to go away for work has tried to tell me for a year or two that Callie is completely deaf.
    yet she can hear the pups when they bark- and I don't mean right next to her but in the other room or even outside. I have tried to mimic that pitch when I call her- sometimes it works and sometimes she ignores me:winkgrin:
    and then the sound of a plastic bag opening......
  3. seashel

    seashel Forums Enthusiast

    Jul 29, 2010
    Kent, UK
    :( I can sympathise as Revel's hearing isn't too great now - although funny he does appear to hear a treat bag opening. However, somtimes at night when I put them to bed, he hasn't woken and come out for his biscuit. I leave it next to him on the chair for when he wakes up, which he generally does if the light goes off.

    He has given me a few scares recently when I've come in and he hasn't heard and is laying asleep, makes me panic:no:
  4. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    Oh I totally know that feeling. Whenever my husband says Miko hasn't woken up yet, I tell him to make sure he's still breathing. I kinda may laugh about it, but I'm not really joking. If Miko doesn't hear me, or get up, I will check on him. You just never know....and I need to know he's okay. I'd forever feel guilty if I had left him there for a LONG time thinking he was sleeping when he wasn't.
  5. Tagg

    Tagg Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 4, 2012
    Brantford, On
    Rhiannon has some hearing loss, moreso in the right ear than the left. If she is laying with her right side on the floor or bed and is asleep I have to be careful not to startle her. On the bed I just grab the bedding about two feet past her head and give it a shake which wakes her up. On the floor I tap my foot until I see recognition in her eyes. If she is on her left side she hears me call her name and will respond accordingly. When she is moving around you wouldn't realize her hearing loss. I, myself, have trouble with deep voices, especially on the telephone, but none at all with higher octaves - blame the hippy movement!!!! It's hard to see our furry friends start to suffer some of the indignities of old age. With consideration for their infirmities on our part our dogs can continue to enjoy their lives in a full and meaningful way.
  6. Justicemom

    Justicemom Forums Celebrity

    Oct 2, 2009
    My girl Jazz was deaf for atleast the last 2.5yrs of her life. I'm not sure when exactly she went deaf but I suspected it for awhile before I figured it out for sure. She was a beagle/JRT mix and selective hearing was a way of life.:smile2:

    I realized for sure when one night we had a massive thunderstorm that came up quite suddenly and Jazz who was scared of storms continue to sleep peacefully on the bed. Actually in that way it was a blessings because spring and summer was always such a stressful time for her. My other dogs could care less so she didn't have them to play off of.

    Jazz knew hand signals quite well as I had trained her some in utility. I do think she used Justice as her guide dog alot as well and Justice used to herd her back in the house from the yard. Only scary thing that happened was the neighbors grand kid opened my side gate one day and Jazz wandered out and could hear me to come back. I found her wandering around the other side of the neighbors house. SHe was like oh hi when I found her but I was a wreck.
  7. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    That's interesting. I'll have to see if he's losing his hearing in both or one ear. I do know he seems to hear me sometimes just fine. It is hard to watch them...mostly because you know this means they're getting closer to the end. :(
  8. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    I think that's when I noticed it too. Miko was the initiator of barking at people walking by. Now, he plays off Koji. Of course, that does mean Koji has to make up for it, lol. Ugh! Miko taught him that bad habit. :gaah

    I seriously do think Miko plays the old man card. When on lead, he was super duper duper slow. Take the lead off and he's boinging off like a rabbit. Acting like he is slow and old, when in truth, he wants to be set free. lol.

    I also think he has selective hearing. He sure hears when his food is being put together, but ignores me when I call him. I have to admit, he has been doing strange things lately, like walking on the grass. He hates walking on grass. It's all very weird.

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