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Thinking about just going for it?

Discussion in 'Obedience' started by BB's_Shelties, Apr 9, 2012.

  1. BB's_Shelties

    BB's_Shelties Forums Regular

    Feb 10, 2011
    What do you guys think. I'd like to try to just go for Kaylee's Rally novice. She is going to be five this year and it's long overdue. She knows all the rally commands. I have run out of things to teach her. She knows absolutely everything but I haven't competed in any AKC events with her yet. I'm wondering, would it be too confusing for me to just go for it? Should I take a class beforehand? How confusing is it when you get in the ring? Does the judge direct you to all of the signs in the order you are supposed to go? I'm not nervous for Kaylee, it's myself messing up I'm worried about.:uhoh: I know what all the signs mean I am most concerned about knowing how to navigate the ring.

    Second thing is, can I take two dogs to the same show and take them both in the ring separately myself to earn a leg? I also have a German Shepherd I want to do Rally with, but the shows around my place are few and far between so it would take forever to get them both titled if I had to take them to separate shows.

    Thanks in advance:smile2:
  2. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    I say go for it!!! I got Miko's RN title in 2011. He was 12.5 :)

    As for having two dogs, of course you can have two dogs at the same show and have them both do Rally. :)

    Okay, it's best if someone can verbally tell you or even show you a bit, but here's my write up for you also. When you get there, you check in and pick up your badge. You have to wear the badge around your arm. You will have time to walk the course and ask questions. I know at the last show, the judge walked the course with the novice group and made sure they know what they were doing and even had each person do it. But I'm thinking that's not typical.

    If you recall the signs, they basically will have you go around the ring. i.e. you do a 360 and keep moving forward, then you'll see another sign. Maybe it says left turn. So you turn left and in front of you is another sign, it's the walk fast sign, so you do that and what is that? oh, another sign. they kinda go in order so you walk around reading each sign, completing them and next thing you know as you walk forward, there's another sign. Just make sure you pass the finish sign. My friend didn't and the judge had to kinda push him to pass it. lol.

    And lastly, you stick around for the awards ceremony, especially if you Q'd. Because you'll go back into the ring, they'll announce the score, placement, and hand out ribbons (very cool. agility is "go pick up your ribbons yourself").

    I know that wasn't in depth, but I hope it made sense a bit. Maybe someone has a video. I only have a video of me doing it, not much else.
  3. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    The signs are numbered so just go in order of the numbers. The only thing the judge will say is 'are you ready?' If you are, you say yes and start forward- if not, say no and get you and your pup set up. Judging doesn't start until you say yes.

    your armband goes on your left arm- didn't know that at my first rally trial.

    definitely you can run two dogs in Rally- I had three entered at the Sheltie Nationals in March. You would need to doublecheck with the gate/table steward so that you have some time between the two dogs. I did not notice at Cran and Dix's first attempt that there was only one dog between them- we definitely needed a little more time than that.

    I'm pretty sure someone on here posted a video of their rally leg- just can't remember who it was....
  4. BB's_Shelties

    BB's_Shelties Forums Regular

    Feb 10, 2011
    Thanks for the info and encouragement.
    I'm glad to hear they are all numbered, I was worried that I wouldn't know which station I was supposed to be at. Now, can I obtain 2 legs toward each of their titles at 1 event?

    The closest event is August 5th so I suppose we will be signing up in a month or two. If I enter them both into both classes in the one day that's going to be an easy $100 gone real quick ha-ha. But it will be worth it!
  5. Tagg

    Tagg Forums Enthusiast

    Jan 4, 2012
    Brantford, On
    My friend with Portuguese Water Dogs and 1 Standard Schnauzer entered rally novice last year for the first time. There were 3 trials and she got 100, 100, 99 for High scores for the day with her 10 year old schauzer. The Porti's did quite well too. Before she went in she was a nervous wreck, the dogs were not paying any attention to her and she was ready to bolt out of the arena. My advice was Go for it, what's the worst that can happen? Have fun, don't take it too seriously and enjoy the comaraderie of others in the same boat.
  6. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    Yup, you sure can get two legs in one day. With Miko, we got 3/3 Q's (he's such a good boy) so I only did 3 runs at 2 different trials. :)

    Good luck.
  7. 2GoodDogs

    2GoodDogs Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 17, 2010
    You wI'll get to walk the course before your scoring run. Without your dog, and while everyone else gets to walk it too. My best advice is to walk the course three times. The first time look for the flow, see the signs in their numerical placement and make note of any in a corner or that you have to look for. 2nd time, look at the signs and what they require, a pivot, a down, plan how you will move your dog... And the last time, you have your imaginary dog and give the dog the commands you plan to use.

    Hope this works for you, it works for me!

    Good luck and enjoy your good dogs!
  8. k9kreationz

    k9kreationz Forums Celebrity

    Oct 24, 2008
    And double check the arrows on the turns (especially the 360), I have seen people practice turning the wrong way until I finally said something. I'm horrible with directions, so I always make sure I'm going the same way as the sign. ;)
  9. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    always follow the arrows:winkgrin:

    one tip that I heard is to actually read the signs out loud as you approach- can help with making sure that you don't skip any and that you are doing the right thing:yes:
  10. 2GoodDogs

    2GoodDogs Forums Enthusiast

    Jun 17, 2010
    Did you go for it yet?! :fl

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