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Wanting some info on conformation

Discussion in 'Getting Started in Conformation' started by Jaimelee, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. Jaimelee

    Jaimelee Forums Novice

    Feb 20, 2012
    Hi my husband and I have owned shelties for a few years now, but recently decided we wanna do some conformation so I got a puppy from belmark. We are taking handling classes and do plan to sign up for the Pittsburgh Sheltie club :). My boy will be turning 6 months in a month and I am gonna be looking for puppy matches I have a book on Sheltie show grooming but was wondering if grooming a 6 month old was pretty much the same steps?? He is a sable and white what are some good products to use on him.Also any pointers for us are welcomed thanks:eek:
  2. Lightplum

    Lightplum Forums Sage

    Jan 4, 2009
    Rhode Island
    im not sure how far Bella is from you, but you might want to check if she is close on working on her showing you some grooming tips/tricks. Also once you join your local ssc find a good close mentor...they are worth their weight in gold!!! From helping you at shows, whelping a litter, or even helping you with your dogs if your away. Handling classes are great to get your feet wet and getting a general gist of showing. I also can not recommend enough trying a UKC show before your entrance into an AKC show. UKC is more a match atmosphere and they do not allow grooming products, so you bring them a nice clean brushed out dog, so there is less grooming stress than the AKC...once you feel comfortable with the UKC try local AKC shows..

    Orrr you can just do what I did and jump in head first at your first AKC show knowing nothing!:lol: not the best plan...but im more of a jumping head first in! After 7 years of showing this fall I went to a UKC show..it was hard for me to get used to no product no excessive trimming etc...but it is a different laid back feeling to it...almost match like..
  3. Lightplum

    Lightplum Forums Sage

    Jan 4, 2009
    Rhode Island
    as far as show grooming check out the thread on show grooming it gives a general run down on show prep..products are a whole section in itself..:lol: alot of it is a trial and error based on your dogs coat to what works well.
  4. Gina

    Gina Forums Enthusiast

    Apr 24, 2010
    Get yourself a mentor! This will help you tremendously throughout your journey into the world of Shelties. Especially since you want to show. Books are great to have, but it's so much better to have someone in person show you different techniques of grooming. In general, it's just a lot better to have someone there to show you things and to talk to you about everything they know. Also, going to a handling class will help, so get signed up as soon as you can!

    I can't tell you what products to use because I don't know how your dog's coat will take to them; every dog is different. As for pointers... take your time, learn everything you can, and most importantly, make sure you and your puppy have fun!
  5. Jaimelee

    Jaimelee Forums Novice

    Feb 20, 2012
    Thanks every one!! I didn't know that about the ukc I will deffientlly have to look into that :) Bella unforiently live about a 7hr drive I do plan on getting with her for a grooming lesson when he grows is coat out tho. As far as a mentor what questions are good ones for me to Ask?? Showing is just something we wanna do and we just love shelties Bella did warn more me they are a harder breed to show but I just love shelties. It's going to be a family hobby. The pup is doing pretty good with learn to stack and standing on the table although he dose get bored and restless quick thanks everyone
  6. Silaria

    Silaria Forums Sage

    Sep 19, 2008
    Aspinwall, PA
    I don't show but I know a number of members of the TRSSCGP. I'm considering joining myself but I'm concerned about stretching myself too thin. Anyway, the people I've met there are really fantastic people and I'm sure you'll have no difficulty finding a mentor for confirmation.

    Good luck with your pursuits.

    Do you mind if I ask where you are in the Pittsburgh area?

    You should also stop by the "Say Hello" thread and tell us more about yourself. Pictures of the cute Shelties are always appreciated. :wink2:
  7. HopeShelties

    HopeShelties Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 2, 2008
    Definitely come and try UKC first. It is more laid back, doesn't allow product, no major trimming (feet, ears, whiskers tidied up), and doesn't allow pro handlers.
    In my experience (I've been showing UKC now for several years) the people are friendly, and willing to help out a newbie.
    All of the Sheltie people around here tend to know one another, help out in taking extra dogs in, talk at the shows, and often set up together.
    I would honestly start taking him to UKC shows now. You can't beat the ring experience, and with shelties, it is so important to get them out and used to a show setting. UKC actually offers a nonlicensed novice puppy class for puppies 3-6 months old. It is a great chance to get experience for your puppy, and the judges are usually really good with the young dogs.
    I would go ahead and recommend getting a table and work on training him and making sure he is happy on the table, and because you'll want to groom him at the show on the table. Also, you'll need a show lead and collar, and for UKC, make sure you have a pair of thinning shears and scissors for feet/ears/whiskers, a small slicker, a good brush, and a spray bottle of water. You'll need more supplies once you get to showing AKC conformation, but that is all you'll need for UKC.
    With UKC, do make sure to check the board before going to the ring. Most judges allow bait, but some do not. It is useful to have a happy dog who will ear up without bait, just in case. You aren't allowed to take a small brush in the ring, which AKC does allow.
    I also have a dog from Bella. He's a son of Am/Can CH Belmark Lo And Behold and out of Am/UKC CH Jesstar Havana. He went best puppy in multi breed show a few months ago in UKC :) I'm just waiting for him to grow up and coat up right now to do more with him.
  8. Jaimelee

    Jaimelee Forums Novice

    Feb 20, 2012
    I'll deffientllly will have to post on the hello! Thanks guys I am gonna deffientlly check out the ukc :) you guys have me all excited now:biggrin2: I live out of town of butler pa so it's about 40 till 60 mins away from Pittsburgh. I do have a table and show collar and lead for him. The table I have the conformation class actually let me borrow it so if you guys know any good places to order them then let me know.( I have been practicing almost everyday on it I put him on it and brush and and trim his whiskers or blow dry and he dosent mind being on it I do treat him a lot tho!! He dosent like me picking up his leg and settin it where I want he moves it every time I do lol. P.s congrats on your win with your pup I love my boy from her he has the best personality he's so friendly and loving he loves to snuggle on the coach I would deffiently get another on off her. I would love to see a pic of your little guy
  9. HopeShelties

    HopeShelties Forums Enthusiast

    Dec 2, 2008
  10. Jaimelee

    Jaimelee Forums Novice

    Feb 20, 2012
    Aww he's so cute! Thanks for the website :) and all the info

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