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Ear infections

Discussion in 'General Health' started by Calliesmom, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    so since I got Callie she has had recurrent ear infections in her right ear. It is visibly constricted inside compared to her left ear. She had a yeast infection right around the time that I adopted her and has had several since then. so when she gets something going on, her right ear appears to be held lower than her left. so Wed night, when I got home, her ear was off. then she didn't scarf her dinner immediately and later, she was having issues with her footing. so I got in touch with the vet - now she has an inner ear infection. that's a new one for us- hope this doesn't become a common thing.
    Callie now has some medicine for her new infection- vet says should see improvement within a week but she really had me concerned for a while :rolleyes2:.
  2. ClantyreSheltie

    ClantyreSheltie Forums Sage

    Feb 24, 2010
    Poor baby, ear infections suck!

    My old mantra, it's a food thing. Not so much the ear infection, but the yeast. This is a dog who is made for grain-free foods, if she is not already on one.
  3. dawns2shelties

    dawns2shelties Forums Sage

    My sister kept having this problem with her Lab and by going with a grain free dog food they have put a stop to the problem. I think she is feeding Taste of the wild.
  4. corbinam

    corbinam Moderator

    Oct 14, 2008
    Bentley had a few ear infections when we first brought him home. I think it was a combination of the food he was on (Nutro--yuck!) and the fact that he was going to the dog park and getting in the nasty water (yuck again). Plus it was incredibly hot/humid so bacteria would just get trapped.

    I'm glad Callie let you know that something was wrong, and hopefully she'll be back to her normal self soon.
  5. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    I think that Callie was eating Pedigree at the rescue/foster home. She got switched to Wellness when she came to live here and sometime after Cranberry came to live with us, all the pups eat TOTW.
    I'm not sure how many of her infections have been yeast- I do know that the first one she was diagnosed with after I got her was yeast.
    I do know that the humidity here in the south does have an impact on her ear health. My Danny (basset/cocker mix) picked up ear mites from a loose dog through the chain link fence where we lived then and he had ear trouble ever after that and the vet said with floppy ears and humidity, it would always be a battle to keep his ears in control.
  6. sable

    sable Forums Enthusiast

    Oct 2, 2008
    My son's Golden had horrible ear infections, the vet told them the infections were from the food. He switched and she is fine now.
  7. Calliesmom

    Calliesmom Moderator

    Mar 29, 2008
    near Mobile, AL
    so Callie has one pill left to take- she is pretty much all better now. She can jump on and off the couch without stumbling or falling and she can stretch and spin without falling over.
    I took pix of her ears- you can see that her right ear is much narrower in its opening than the left ear. I was in the process of cleaning her ear and thought pix would be useful :wink2:
  8. take4roll10

    take4roll10 Moderator

    Aug 31, 2009
    I'm glad Callie is feeling better.

    I can see there is a size difference. When she has had an ear infection, has it always been in the ear with the smaller ear canal?
  9. dawns2shelties

    dawns2shelties Forums Sage

    Happy to hear she is feeling better. Have you decided to switch foods?
  10. dawns2shelties

    dawns2shelties Forums Sage

    Happy to hear she is feeling better. Have you decided to switch foods?

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