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How to make collie/heltie head (show grooming)?

Discussion in 'Show Grooming' started by latinsheltie, May 15, 2011.

  1. latinsheltie

    latinsheltie Forums Novice

    May 15, 2011
    Hi, i have a sheltie and he has a lot of hair, and I always wanted to know how can I build those amazing heads that look like a lion like in this dog's picture http://www.goldenhylite.com/sugar.html

    Do you know how to do it or online classes, dvd, books, etc

    Or if you breed/show shelties and could give me online payed classes (by email, chat, wecam etc.)

    Please because I live in chile and here nobody do that in their shelties
  2. Lightplum

    Lightplum Forums Sage

    Jan 4, 2009
    Rhode Island
    Im a little confused...are you talking about getting the ruff to stay up like that or the general head shape? It all depends on the dog and what they have for structure and coat to be able to achieve that look.
  3. latinsheltie

    latinsheltie Forums Novice

    May 15, 2011
    I was talking about both :D , actually im looking for profesional advise on the general show grooming for shelties, as i said, I could pay if some sheltie profesional breeder teach me how :)
  4. Diana

    Diana Forums Enthusiast

    Sep 28, 2009
    Chicago, IL
    Brush your Sheltie's hair backward - like toward the head. Also, invest in a nice brush and some Chris Christiansen hair products.

    Or you could just take them outside on a windy day....

    Some of the fluffiness is genetic, and some Shelties don't get in their full coat until age 2 or 3. Some never really get that huge coat.
  5. BarbV

    BarbV Forums Celebrity

    There is a book called the Illustrated Guide to Sheltie Grooming by Barb Ross that you might find helpful. It is my bible. There is also an online video you can buy from Silver Trails Shelties which is very helpful as well.

    Both will show brushing techniques for lifting the fur to its highest loft.

    You need to be aware though, that photo's like the one you posted....these dogs are totally pumped up with chalk and other grooming products to make the ruff stand out.

    Not something you would use everyday. For show only.

    And as Diana said, some dogs take many years to grow into their full coat. My boys are both 3 years old and I'm still waiting for it.
  6. Lightplum

    Lightplum Forums Sage

    Jan 4, 2009
    Rhode Island
    Thanks Barb! :) Beat me to it!! Dang work that gets in the way of being on the forum :lol: Generally the Ruff will not stay like pictured without product in it, be it chalk, cholesterol, hairspray, etc...and a good windy day helps as well:wink2:

    Id check out the sites Barb mentioned, also check out dog shows in your area, nothing can substitute being shown in person by a breeder/handler. Or even go back to the breeder you got your puppy from and ask them for tips/hints on trimming. Trimming of the head is tricky at best...and takes lot of practice!
  7. ClantyreSheltie

    ClantyreSheltie Forums Sage

    Feb 24, 2010
    Amen. I am taking lessons from a breeder/handler down here. I have been in this breed 14 years, and am just now learning to show groom.
  8. Emmasmom

    Emmasmom Forums Sage

    Apr 2, 2010
    I agree with what Rachael and Lightplum have said about getting help and tips from a breeder. If I lived closer to Emma and Liam's breeder, I would be asking her for help and tips, which she had agreed to do. Unfortunately, I am two hours away from her. I too am learning how to trim, etc, just by looking at the dogs on the breeder's website, and from all the great people here on the forum.
  9. ClantyreSheltie

    ClantyreSheltie Forums Sage

    Feb 24, 2010
    Two hours didn't stop me : ) It was a long, but very worthwhile day.
  10. Lightplum

    Lightplum Forums Sage

    Jan 4, 2009
    Rhode Island
    Two hours is DEFINATLY Worth it!! Heck Connie (aka MissJenneyGirl) is 2 hours from me (each way) and I think nothing going there if I need a good (read not messed up by me) head trim!:lol: I usually make a good half day of it and we usually end up eating someplace yummy for lunch with her!:yes: So its well worth it all the way around!!!

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